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About WJA

"A world ruled by law, not force."

This has been the primary goal of the World Jurist Association (WJA) since its founding in 1963. The WJA was formed in response to an international outcry for a free and open forum where judges, lawyers, law professors, and others from around the world could work cooperatively to raise public support for the institutions that govern and enforce the administration of international law. Over the years, the WJA has developed several ways to further the goals of its founders.

At its outset, the WJA recognized that the key to strengthening the Rule of Law was to encourage dialogue among lawmakers, legal practitioners, and educators. With this in mind, the Congress on the Law of the World became a biennial event where both government officials and individual practitioners could discuss a broad range of legal issues. These conferences are held around the world with the support of the local government. The cooperation and interest of each nation is manifest in the numerous personal messages the Association receives from Heads of State and Government around the world. For example, in 2003, nearly 40 Heads of State and Government recognized the efforts and great strides achieved at the Twenty-first Biennial Congress in Sydney and Adelaide, Australia. Through their letters, we know that the Declarations and Resolutions passed during the conferences and presented to every nation for ratification are influential in developing both national and international laws that protect world peace.

As a non-governmental organization with special consultative status at the UN Economic and Social Council, the WJA provides an alternative method to reach the international community. Our publications and resolutions are used to inform and exchange information of interest to the United Nations and other regional governmental organizations. By encouraging our members to present their individual experiences, we are providing a forum for an open exchange of ideas and solutions to the conflicts and problems facing today's world.

We have worked closely with governments, non-governmental organizations, and international associations to show how nations can constructively use, not forgo, their sovereignty through international law. Through our support, legal decision makers from around the world work together as individuals, rather than representatives of a particular country, class, or ideology.

Today, the WJA is the only nonprofit NGO that gives the citizens of the world a direct voice in the development and administration of international law. We are represented in over 140 countries worldwide and list among our supporters many former and current US and foreign leaders, and over 100 retired and sitting Chief Justices from nations around the world.

The above description is a brief look at the ways in which the WJA has sought to build, block by block, the foundation for a system of laws that will ensure peace without the use of force. This development is an on-going effort, and the WJA is committed to its continuation to ensure peace through the Rule of Law for all generations.

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